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We work in partnership with all the major technology suppliers, developing first class solutions for our clients.

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Sed imperdiet, ante in porta ultrices, orci metus consequat lacus, ac viverra magna odio at dui. Sed id congue velit, nec gravida urna. In vestibulum nibh magna, at dapibus est molestie vulputate.

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     Faisal Vellani
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    Nibil Nazar

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    teqarabia is one of the leader in Information technology providing reliable and secure IT solutions to customers across middle east.
    Our solution experts are highly experienced and certified technical and sales professionals with over 14 years of experience in the IT industry. Their in-depth product knowledge, outstanding customer support, dedication, and loyalty to customers make us a result oriented company.


    Building No A574, Office No13, Tubli, Bahrain


    +973 13 115 888